IEEE Student Branch


IEEE is the world’s largest technical professional organization dedicated to advancing technology for the benefit of humanity. IEEE seeks to inspire a global community through cutting-edge publications, conferences, technology standards, professional resources, and educational activities.
IEEE has over 400,000 members in over 160 countries. As a not-for-profit organization with a mission of advancing technology for humanity, IEEE is dedicated to serving researchers, professionals, and students involved in all aspects of the electrical, electronic, and computing fields and related areas of science and technology.


  • IEEE Membership.
  • IEEE Women in Engineering Membership.
  • IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society Membership.
  • IEEE Communications Society Membership.
  • IEEE Council on Electronic Design Automation.
  • IEEE Council on RFID.

Officer Responsibilities / Reporting

Specific responsibilities of Student Branches, Branch Officers, and Counselors are described on this page. However, It is important to note that an Officer’s responsibility is not limited to points outlined below. If your Branch is to succeed, it requires that you be willing to reach beyond the customary roles defined here.

Executive Committee

The Branch Executive Committee is responsible for administering Branch operations and traditionally consists of the Chair, Vice-Chair, Secretary, and Treasurer. However, you can increase your support by including as many people as possible in your team, including your Counselor. The Executive Committee should meet regularly to develop programs plans, review progress, and maintain good communication. Two requirements of the Committee are to ensure that the Annual Activity Report and Officer Reporting are completed.

Student Branch Chair

The Student Branch Chair is the key to effective student leadership. The Chair is responsible for the overall management of all Branch affairs. Duties include:
  • Preside at all meetings of the Student Branch.
  • Hold regular meetings of the Branch Executive Committee.
  • Appoint Program, Publicity, and Membership committee Chairs promptly. Complete the Student Branch Annual Plan – due no later than 1 February
  • Arrange for the election of new Officers annually and report via vTools Officer Reporting
  • Student Branch Meeting/Event Reporting (4 per year):
  • Ensure smooth transition of information and materials to newly elected Officers and arrange an orderly transfer of Student Branch records.
  • Coordinate activities with local Section and Region volunteers. Information can be found via:
  • Communicate frequently with local University IEEE Student Branches.

Student Branch Vice Chair

The Student Branch Vice-Chair is the junior Executive Officer. The Vice-Chair should help the Branch Chair with the workload, oversee some of the subcommittees, and manage some of the activities throughout the semester. Duties include:
  • Chair the Program and Membership Committees.
  • Organize field trips or special events beyond regular program efforts.
  • Assist the Branch Chair in following up on assigned committee responsibilities.
  • Perform all functions of the Branch Chair in his/her absence or upon request.

Student Branch Secretary

The Student Branch Secretary serves as the record keeper and historian of the Student Branch. The Secretary is responsible for maintaining all records. Duties include:
  • Keep detailed minutes of each meeting.
  • Maintain the membership roster and committee assignments on the Branch website (
  • Be responsible for all correspondence.
  • Post a calendar of events. Meetings and Events should also be reported for all IEEE members to view via:
  • Ensure that the Branch Constitution and Bylaws are adhered to.
  • Arrange for an orderly transfer of all records to the incoming Secretary.

Student Branch Treasurer

The Student Branch Treasurer is responsible for maintaining the financial accounts. It is imperative that all records be kept current and as accurate as possible. Duties include:
  • Maintain the appropriate financial accounts. Your bank account should be interest bearing and require two signatures; the faculty counselor should always be one of those signatures.
  • Prepare an annual budget for inclusion in the Student Branch Annual Plan (due 1 February annually –
  • Prepare the final Financial Statement for inclusion in the Student Branch Annual Plan.
  • Oversee all fundraising efforts.
  • Arrange for an orderly transfer of all financial records to the incoming Treasurer.

Student Branch Counselor

The Student Branch Counselor is a University or College faculty member, and active IEEE Member, who serves as an adviser to the Branch. The Counselor lends a sense of continuity and is a key individual whose participation is vital to the success of a Branch. The Branch Counselor is appointed by the local Section Chair, upon the recommendation of the Student Members and the Regional SAC Chair (RSAC), and serves with the approval of the Department Head. The appointment (or reappointment) is normally for two years, commencing July 1. Once a new Counselor is elected, please report via

In addition to a vibrant and good working rapport with the student Officers, the Counselor should be in frequent contact with the Section Student Activities Committee Chair (SSAC) and Section Student Representative (SSR). The Counselor should act as a liaison with the Section, the Region, and IEEE Operations Center and should be familiar with all aspects of Branch operations. Recommended activities:
  • Assist students with the development of their Annual Plan:
  • Ensure that information (via email generally) from IEEE Operations Center is transmitted to the student Officers.
  • Attend Executive Committee meetings and assist the committees.
  • Participate in Regional Activities Committee meetings.
  • Consult with the Section SSAC/SSR, Regional SAC Chair, or Region Director about activities or problems.
  • Promote IEEE Student Membership
  • Foster good relations with the local Section and encourage students to establish regular liaison with the SSAC and SSR.
  • Promote student awareness of awards, contests, and benefits of IEEE Membership.
  • Establish industrial contacts for programs and activities.
  • Assist with promoting activities to other faculty members.

Operating Committees

Having different operating committees can help sustain a balanced, broad-reaching program of activities. By having several committees, you can also involve more of your student members in the planning and leadership responsibilities. Recommended committees:
  • Program Committee: responsible for planning activities for the year.
  • Publicity Committee: responsible for advertising activities.
  • Membership Committee: responsible for recruiting activities.
  • Finance Committee: responsible for helping the Treasurer plan fundraising activities.
  • Nominating Committee: responsible for all elections. This committee must ensure that all candidates are active IEEE Student Members in good standing at the time of their declaration.

Event Report